
[Diablo] Diablo story 暗黑破壞神 故事重溫

[Diablo] Diablo story 暗黑破壞神 故事重溫

五月十五日是一個大日子, 那就是DIABLO3 (暗黑破壞神 3)推出的大好日子, 在推出前不妨重溫一下DIABLO的故事, 待大家到五月十五日時更投入~!!

故事大約就是天堂與地獄大戰, 最後打到去人間界, 然後由人類的英雄打倒了BOSS - DIABLO, 並用自己來封印這個惡魔. 可惜的是, 這個英雄最後亦不敵DIABLO, 令DIABLO再次復活. 這之後就是DIABLO 2 的故事了.


     The settings of Diablo include Heaven and Hell as physical places. Angels and Demons waged a war for      centuries, until the ascension of man. Heaven and Hell each tried to compel man to join their cause. A treacherous mutiny forced the 3 Lords of Hell—including Diablo himself—into the world of humanity, where they sowed chaos, distrust and hatred. With the help of Archangel Tyrael a group of magi trapped the 3 Lords of Hell in soulstones. Diablo's soulstone was buried deep in the earth and a monastery was built over the site to safeguard the entrance.

     Generations passed and the purpose of the monastery was forgotten. A small town named Tristram sprang up next to the monastery's ruins. A religious king named Leoric then claimed the monastery and rebuilt it as a cathedral for his seat of power. Diablo entered the nightmares of the archbishop Lazarus and lured him to the soulstone, where he destroyed the stone. Diablo possessed first the king, who sent all his knights and priests to battle against peaceful kingdoms, and then possessed the king's son, filling the caves and catacombs beneath the cathedral with creatures formed from the young boy's nightmares.

     Tristram became a town of fear and horror, where people were abducted in the night. With no king, no law, and no army left to defend them, many villagers fled. Dark rumors permeated the country, and would-be heroes and demon-hunters came to Tristram and entered the cathedral, but none have been seen again

     At the end of the game the hero kills Diablo's mortal form, leaving Diablo trapped in a soulstone once again. The hero then drives the soulstone into his own skull in an attempt to contain the Lord of Terror. Ironically, it is revealed that this is what Diablo had planned, as the hero would be a better host than the prince. Diablo II continues the story, with Diablo having possessed the warrior hero who killed him. As for the other two heroes, the Rogue and Sorcerer, they also become corrupted by the Tristram quest and become Blood Raven and the Summoner, respectively..

詳細的中文版故事 (同樣從WIKI找到的):


